Candy acorns, children, and remembering to look.

“There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child.  There are seven million.”  ~Walt Streightiff

I remember acorns from my childhood very clearly.  There was a huge oak tree in our yard in Charlotte when I was a little girl, and I used to pick its acorns up to play with them.

Do you remember that time during childhood when you picked up every little thing and marveled at its perfect detail? Remember the way you used to look so closely at things? We lose that when we become adults and are busy with bigger things.

“Children find everything in nothing; men find nothing in everything.”  ~Giacomo Leopardi, Zibaldone Scelto

Sometimes it’s nice to slow down and purposely look.  Just look, and remind yourself how detailed and wonderful everything is.  It’s amazing, and sort of pulls you out of your worries and narcissism for awhile, reminding you that everything is not about you.

photo by the Sylva OneOak Project

(check out this interesting website about forest preservation: SVLVA One Oak Project.)

Here’s a little autumnal project that your children, or someone else’s children that you’d like to spend time with during the holidays, will have fun making with you.  It can be their contribution to the Thanksgiving table, perhaps.   Spending time with kids always reminds me to laugh and settle down to enjoy life for awhile.   Enjoy it!

Candy Acorns:

You only need a few things:

a bag of Hershey’s chocolate kisses…
a box of mini Nilla wafers…
…and a bag of Reese’s peanut butter of chips.

Place about a quarter cup of the peanut butter chips into a small bowl, such as a custard cup, and microwave for a few seconds at a time until they’ve melted enough to become spreadable.  This is your glue.

Unwrap a cupful of chocolate kisses, more or less.

Put some peanut butter chips in another bowl.

Line a cookie sheet with wax or parchment paper.

Using a small spatula or butter knife, dab some of the melted peanut butter chips on the bottom of a kiss.

Press the kiss onto the flat side of a mini Nilla wafer.

Dab a bit of melted peanut butter chip on the bottom of a whole peanut butter chip, and center it on the rounded top of the same mini Nilla wafer.

Place on the cookie sheet to dry.

Drying adorably on the cookie sheet

These are so cute and, of course, taste delicious. When I made them for a cooking spot on the news , my co-workers were spotted on numerous occasions popping one or two into their mouths.  It’s funny how food can make a busy professional slow down and smile, even for just a few seconds.  I like that.

Place a platter of these on a counter top or table and watch people smile and indulge. Happy!

Thanks to my dear friend Kyli Nail, mommy of the cutest twins ever, for this idea!

Kruz and Knox’s mom, Kyli. 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!


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