Favorite Photos

Favorite pictures that I’ve taken in the past several months. I’ll continue to add more as time goes on.  Hope you enjoy them, too!

the photographer


Cherry Chocolate Chip Cookies


I took this daylily picture in June in my small garden; I had just gotten my Nikon, and was just trying to figure out how to use it.

I took this man’s picture at the Fiesta of Five Flags parade in downtown Pensacola in June. I told him I liked his shirt and asked if I could take his picture. He wasn’t sure why I would want his picture, but allowed it. 🙂 Then he rode off on his bicycle.

This was taken in the French Quarter in New Orleans in June.  I love that these people put a disco ball on their balcony. There were little light sparkles all over the street when we walked by.

This very old home in downtown Pensacola is the former residence of the mayor of Pensacola.  It’s on the register of historic places.

This photo is of First Baptist Church of Pensacola; taken on the evening of the Fiesta of Five Flags parade.

I snapped this picture with my iPhone in New Orleans. I love the home’s color, and the man walking by with his jacket slung over his shoulder.

I made this smoked gouda grits casserole, and posted the recipe here on my blog, in May, I believe. The picture and recipe were featured in the Tastemaker column in the Tyler Morning Telegraph in June.

I love this picture, snapped with my iPhone, of my dear friend Kyli’s son, Kruz. He and his twin, Knox, were born early and spent some time in the hospital; home now! Yay! I love his tiny hand in mine.

This was taken in the French Quarter. I love the girl in the window; she decided to be a part of my picture! 🙂

These are wild blackberries from the vines on my fence. They’re going to become jelly soon! 🙂

I’ll add more as I take them; I know I have a lot to learn, and I hope you’ll give me some feedback/comments/tips so I’ll learn from you!  🙂


      • We … me & my little girl … love everything on your Blog. We have tried quiet a few.. allowed during our time after work and after she does her own homework. The Pictures are a Treat also that makes us picking straws of different size to pick which desert to try or what other recipes you have there. My little one told me that I should have told her about you a long time ago when she was younger (6yrs old) laughing I told her that she wouldn’t even help me a long time ago. We are having your Dulce Brownies tomorrow for Mothers Day! Thank You for so tasty foods to Make and Bake!
        “Happy Mothers Day”

  1. mamastephf, i absolutely LOVE your photography! in another life 🙂 i was very much into photography as well as cooking and writing… life got in the way i guess. i’m looking forward to spending a whole lot of time on your beautiful site. And looking forward to our friendship as well!

What do you think?